Connections between the Canterbury tales and the modern day world

I don’t think there are many connections between our modern day world and the Canterbury tales. Especially that it is a very ancient collection of stories. But there are still things that can relate to the Canterbury tales in our modern day world. I personally find that the Canterbury tales includes characters that have personalities that just cannot evolve no matter how much time passes. The Canterbury tales is a mix of all sorts of people; the good and the bad, the wealthy and the poor, the old and young, people of high honour and justice and people who are of lower rank in the hierarchy . Just all sorts of people are present in that ancient collection of stories. Such as the Knight and the Miller; they are both totally different people with completely different personalities. They are an example of a good character and a bad character in the Canterbury tales. Another example would be the Prioress and the Wife of Bath they are also people who don’t relate to each other whatsoever. The Prioress is someone who is very compassionate and caring of other people while the Wife of Bath is the total opposite; she is basically a person considered of lower rank in the society who is scandalous and gut-toothed. I think that all sorts of people like that or at least similar in a way exist in to day’s modern world. No matter where a person goes or what era they live in, there would always be people of that sort. The assignment that we did in British literature class not so long ago has helped me see that. Since we had to create a modern version of the general prologue of the Canterbury tales and replace all the characters with modern day characters such as celebrities and well known people. For the prologue of the group I was in, we replaced the Wife of Bath by Kim Kardashian. She’s a person who is surrounded by lots and lots of controversy,like the Wife of Bath and she’s a person who lots of people look up to and lots of people despise and have hatred for. For the Prioress, we picked Angelina Jolie. She might not be a necessarily religious personality, but she’s a person who’s kind and compassionate and understands and is concerned about other people’s hardships. Those are just a few examples and those are just a few.


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